How do I clean my Bounce house (to prevent mold and germs)?

How do I clean my Bounce house (to prevent mold and germs)?My husband and I were feeling like pretty awesome parents the day the kids opened their brand new inflatable bounce house. We did our best to keep it clean and dirt-free, but as is the case with most things we let the kids play on, it got dirty. We wanted to make sure we could sanitize it the first time someone with a cold played on it, and make sure it didn’t get mold on it the first time it got went and just general cleaning maintenance every time it got anything from peanut butter to mud on it. After a lot of research, I am confident we can keep our bounce house clean and in good shape for many years.

Cleaning your bounce house can really be completed in only 3 simple steps:

  1. Sweep out large debris like leaves.
  2. Use a mini, light-weight vacuum to clean out smaller debris like sand or dirt from tight crevices.
  3. Use a non-abrasive cleaner and soft rag to sanitizer and wipe down any leftover dirt. (Household sanitizing wipes also work great for a quick wipe down or spot treatment)

**Always wipe down the cleaner quickly and make sure it is completely dry before storing to prevent mold.

These three steps are a great, quick reference and will easily become a second-nature routine to keep your bounce house well-maintained. However, before jumping into these three steps for the very first time. It is essential to learn a little more and make sure you are using the right cleaner, and focusing on all the right areas on your bounce house. These steps are also perfect 95% of the time, but what happens if there are some bigger stains to get off or the possibility of mold already in the bounce house? This additional information can save you hours of cleaning time and preserve the quality of your bounce house for years to come.

First of all, what’s the point?! A little dirt never hurt anyone! Here’s the general purpose of cleaning your bounce house, so you can ease your mind to making the most of your time. Cleaning your bounce house will make sure it lasts longer. Nothing major will happen after the first few times you use your bounce house without cleaning it each time. However, over time the small pieces of dirt or debris will act like sandpaper rubbing against the fabric and especially the seams. It will eventually thin and ruin the fabric. Additionally, especially after storing the bounce house, dirt or wet leaves contain moisture that will lead to mold growth that could eventually ruin your inflatable.

Step One: Sweep

Depending upon the amount of debris, sometimes this is easier to just walk through the inflatable and throw out the big pieces. When sweeping is helpful, a small brush and dustpan are often more practical instead of a full-sized kitchen broom.

Step Two: Vacuum

This is really the best way to pull up those tiny specks of dirt or sand that seem innocent but can cause a lot of abrasion against the vinyl material. Find a vacuum that is light-weight and easy to carry into the inflatable. A simple hand-held vacuum is simple and easy to use inside the bounce house. When possible, use the attachment to the vacuum with the narrow nose or brush to get the small crevices within seams.

Step Three: Wipe Down

The extent to how thoroughly you must wipe down your bounce house will have to be decided by your best judgment. If it was used outside for a huge birthday party for hours by many children, plan to wipe the whole thing down- inside and outside. However, if it was just your own kids for a short time it may be efficient to just give your kids a sanitizing wipe to get any obvious places. (If your kids are old enough, I would always suggest finding a way to include them in the clean-up of your bounce house. This can teach them to take care of their inflatable and hopefully think twice before they bring a mess into the bounce house.)

Most Important Cleaning Rule:

Always make sure the bounce house is COMPLETELY dry before you store your bounce house. This can negate all your work done while cleaning the bounce house. No matter how pristine it was, if you put the bounce house away while it was still wet then it could be full of filth and mold the next time you bring it out. NEVER completely soak your bounce house in an attempt to clean it. All that water can just cause more harm than good. Keep in mind that the seams, straps and thicker areas of your particular bounce house can take much longer than the vinyl walls or netting will need to dry. Test those areas first to assure no moisture will be compact into the storage bag before deflating it.

What Kind of Cleaner can I use on my Bounce House?

A popular cleaner for bounce houses is called “Odoban”. Look for a simple, green cleaner without a lot of chemicals. One simple solution that you probably already have readily available is to mix your own cleaner with a 3:1 ratio of water to vinegar and a few drops of dish soap. My personal favorite cleaner is a simple disinfecting wipe. I like these for a few reasons- It’s just one step, instead of a liquid cleaner and a rag so it goes quicker. The cleaner dries fast. I like that I can give them to my kids and they can independently clean when possible. Also, as a mom of four young kids, I almost always have a canister of Lysol wipes around so it’s a fast, easy grab.

With that being said, a lot of cleaners will work. Here are some kinds of cleaners to AVOID using on your bounce house.

  • Avoid any cleaners with bleach, chlorine or Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) that can weaken the vinyl.
  • Read the label- some cleaners will specifically say “not intended for soft or pliable vinyl”
  • Avoid any caustic agents like degreasers or strong bathroom solvents.
  • Never scrub your bounce house with a pumice stone, thick, rough bristled brushes, wire brush or steel wool. Only use soft terry cloth, paper towel or wipes. When necessary use a soft brush or old toothbrush.

How do I Clean Mold out of my Bounce House?

Despite the warnings, mold can be a common problem if a bounce house is stored away while it is wet. If this is your unfortunate reality, you can clean out the mold with a 9:1 ratio of water to bleach. Scrub it thoroughly with your regular cleaner first (options explained above) and then wash with the bleach solution and rinse completely with water and a towel to remove any bleach. Let the bounce house completely air dry in the sun.  The bleach may discolor the material slightly (but so could the mold).

Practical Tips and Tricks for Cleaning your Bounce House:

  • Avoid cleaning all together! We have used a small bounce house indoors and never cleaned it once. We make sure that nobody wears shoes on the inflatable and no food or drink is ever allowed inside it. If you are using your bounce house inside, a three-step cleaning is hardly ever necessary! If the event calls for it, a simple sanitizing wipe or wet paper towel can normally cure any indoor incidents.
  • Where you set up your bounce house outside can make the world of a difference when it comes to cleaning. Find a clean dry area without a lot of debris whenever possible. Avoid sand, mud, wet leaves or fresh cut grass with the clippings left on the lawn that could all be tracked inside. Even when children are following all the rules, if the bounce house is set up on the ground with wet leaves all over, just simple running on and off the inflatable is bound to bring in a lot of debris to be cleaned afterward. A dry, grassy area (without lawn clippings) is a soft, perfect place to set up your inflatable and can dramatically cut down on your clean-up time.
  • If you have a leaf blower handy, it can speed up both the sweeping and drying process.

Related Questions:

How do I clean mold off of my Inflatable Water Slide?

You can clean mold off of your water bounce house or inflatable water slide the same way you would your dry bounce house. Use the 9:1 water to bleach ratio recommended above and rinse and dry it well.



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