Do I need a Generator for my Bounce House? (What size of a generator do I need?)

Do I need a Generator for my Bounce House? (What size of a generator do I need?)When we were looking into buying our bounce house, we found a lot of information online about a generator to go with the bounce house. We mostly wanted to use our first bounce house inside but wanted the option to take it outside and possibly to the park. We needed to know if a certain kind of bounce house would be better for all three options and if a certain kind would need a generator.

The simple answer is: No, you do not need a generator to run a bounce house. Bounce houses come with a heavy-duty three-prong plug that will fit your home electrical outlet. Generators are only necessary where there is no access to an electrical outlet. IF you are further than 50 feet from a power source than a generator is necessary. A 2000 watt generator is large enough to power an average bounce house.

However, if you are hoping to use your bounce house in a public park or area without access to a power outlet, there are some things you should know about generators and which ones work best for bounce houses.

Since buying our first bounce house, we have used it both indoors and outside without needing a generator. When we set it up in our backyard we used an outdoor outlet and still needed an extension cord. I would recommend one of those heavy duty, outdoor, construction-type extension cords that are normally that bright orange color for a few reasons. First, the extension cord will have to be able to support the large three-prong plug of the bounce house. Secondly, it will need to be able to endure more wear and tear being used outside. You will want to hide the cord in a place where kids won’t be running on or around it (especially if they are wet) and/or if possible cover the cord with a tarp for added safety. If your bounce house will regularly be used outside I recommend buying a separate extension cord to always keep with your bounce house to keep the set-up quick and easy. However, never use an extension cord to set up further than fifty feet from the power source. It is unsafe to attach multiple extension cords together to reach further than fifty feet. It could start an electrical fire, ruin your blower and/or damage your outlet and cord. If you are not within 50 feet of a power outlet you MUST use a generator.

If you want to set up your bounce house outside in a public area such as a park or grassy field, there will rarely be an electrical outlet available. In this case, you will need to bring your own generator to power the inflatable. Because generators can be expensive and if this is your only use for a generator and you do not plan on taking it to the park often, it may be more cost efficient to rent or borrow a generator. Most party rental places have generators for you to rent for less than $20/day. This can save you a lot of time and money to simply go pick it up the day of the party. If you are renting, make sure you describe what you will be using the generator for so that you can get the right kind.

What kind of Generator works best for Bounces Houses and how much do they cost?

An average bounce house will need a generator that can power a minimum of 2000 watts. (Make sure to check your specific type of bounce house before purchasing a generator to verify this wattage on your inflatable.)

Generators come in a variety of kinds and can range in price from a couple hundred up to over a thousand dollars. As long as it can power the wattage needed for your bounce house- it will work fine. However, here are some variables to consider if you are new to generators:

  • Make sure your generator is portable. Some generators are meant to power massive projects and a bounce house is relatively simple. Keep in mind that you may be hauling it over grassy hills and fields along with the bounce house, tarp, etc. so keep it simple for yourself and get one that is practical and portable for the job.
  • Get a generator with a power source that will be the easiest and most reliable for you. Generators are powered by four common sources: solar power, gasoline, propane or natural gas. Gasoline may be easier and cheaper to fill but the gas can only be stored for up to a year and may need to be cleaned out to protect the carburetor on your generator while propane is cleaner and can be stored for longer. Solar generators sound like the simplest option, however, most of them cannot produce enough wattage to power a bounce house. If it can, you would also have to make sure it gets enough solar energy stored in its battery to power your entire event. Make sure you get a generator with a power source you are comfortable supplying and maintaining.
  • Another common complaint about generators is their noise level. I’m hopeful that noise will not be a concern for your bounce house party since the blower will be making noise in addition to the generator and not to forget the loud explosions of laughter and joy inevitable to come from the children. However, if noise is a concern for neighbors or sensitive children than find a generator with a quiet noise output.

For a portable, well-priced generator we like this option available on Amazon:

PG2000 Generator


How much Energy does a Generator take? How much will it cost to run?  This depends on the type of generator you choose to purchase. For example, the kind recommended above runs on gasoline. It can run for about 4 hours on one gallon of gas. With gas prices fluctuating so rapidly I don’t dare put a price tag on gasoline in your area but that should give you a good idea.

How do I store and maintain my generator? Will it take up a lot of room?

Your generator can be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight right alongside your bounce house. This is another great reason to purchase and small, compact, portable generator if it will only be used for your bounce house so it can be stored more easily and not take up a lot of room. As far as maintenance for your generator before storing it, be sure to follow the owner’s manual exactly. Follow the steps for cleaning and caring for the generator and its battery before storing the generator even if it is only a few weeks before it will be used again. Do some research not only on the type of generator to purchase but the maintenance required afterward. It can be quite a process to keep your generator in its best condition. It may be easier to find a location that does not require a generator or definitely look around to find a place where one can be rented if it is solely for the purpose of inflating your bounce house.

Related Questions:

Can I power more than one Bounce House with one Generator?  It IS possible to power more than one bounce house with a single generator. Make sure you do the math given the specific wattage needed on each bounce house and the capability of the generator you have. Keep in mind that the bounce house will require more power as it starts up than the actual running power needed to keep it inflated.

How long will a generator power my bounce house?
This depends on the kind of generator you purchase and the wattage necessary to keep your specific bounce house inflated. The kind recommended above will last for four hours inflating the average bounce house without needing to be refueled. Generators also come with larger fuel tanks to assure that refueling isn’t a concern.

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